Stronghold Wiki

Here are the quotes of Arthur.

Action Quote Sound
Prepares for siege Today, I march on our enemies, my Lord!
Sends army 1 Let the bells ring out: this day we march to war!
Sends army 2 Knights of Arthur, we march to battle! 
Launches attack 1 Let the siege commence!
Launches attack 2 Let the siege commence.
Summons Merlin Ah Merlin, my friend, it's good to see you!
Player's buildings are destroyed Destroy the traitor's buildings!
Close to victory And so the traitor falls!
Defeats player Another traitor meets their end.
Player deflects attack Knights, retreat! This battle is lost.
Player destroys buildings

You may destroy our buildings, but Camelot will live on!

Panicking The enemy are at Camelot's gates!
Defeated And so I go... to sleep the endless... sleep.
Requires help Camelot needs your help, my Lord!
Predicts defeat Where are my true knights now, in this high time of need?
Kills common enemy Another of our enemies is vanquished!
Player kills common enemy You fight well, my Lord!
Falls as ally Take Excalibur to the lake, my friend, my time on this earth is over.