Stronghold Wiki
Action Quote Sound

I want to fight!



I hunger for blood!

You would command me?!

What do you want?

Let me fight.

What is it?


I smell trouble.


What is it this time?

Yes, little one?

How is it that I ended up answering to "you"?

Give me my orders, little man!


A small walk.

The giant shall go to war!

Take me to the enemy.

Where do I fight?

I move.

Give me some heads to crush!

I have a taste for blood.

A good day to kill.

Fee-fi-fo-fu... forget it... that's a stupid thing to say.

Show me my foe!

Invalid location Not even I can reach there.
Marching That is nothing for me!
New order Yes.
Filling in moat

That's not work for me!

I don't dig.

Get one of the little people to do it!

Manning walls I go up.

I'll crush them.

I'll grind their bones.

My club will smash them!

Hehm-hm, like little ants.

Like squashing grapes.

They will scatter like mice!

An icy death for them!

They won't know what hit them.

Who will identify their remains?

I'll step on their little heads.

Heavy target

I fear no one.

A mighty foe!

I go to face them.

To battle!

I will put them down for a long winter's nap!

They will meet an icy death.

Battle up!

Do you think they'll prefer the foot, or the club?

Hmhmhehe, fighting makes me... happy!

Is it wrong that I enjoy killing so much?

There's nothing I'd rather do.

I smell blood.

Disband No!