Stronghold Wiki
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My lord.


My liege.

Command us.

What test awaits us?

I pledge my allegiance.

Lancelot's sword is yours.

What would you have us do?

Your knights are ready.

Our lives are yours.


In your name.

As you command.

Riding forth.

To horse!

Yes, my lord.

As you say.


Spur your horses!

With a hopeful heart!

Ride with honour!

Invalid location I fear that is impossible, my Lord.
Marching Do we search for the Grail?
New order Yes, my Lord!
Filling in moat

We may not!

It is forbidden.

Chivalry forbids it!

Manning walls My lord, we cannot ride atop the walls!

For Guinevere!

It is our duty!

To battle!

We are sworn to protect you!

Heavy target

For Albion!

For your honour!

For the honour of The Table!

For Excalibur!

Disband But, are we not your knights?