Stronghold Wiki
Action Quote Sound

You have need of me?

What is it?

There is no rest for Merlin...

I sense trouble!

Evil is in the air...

The land needs me?

Why am I disturbed?

Storm clouds gather...

These are dark times...

What is afoot?


These bones are old, you know...

Ah, the road again...

I'm off, I'm off...

Yes, yes, I'm going!

I walked so far in my time... a little more won't hurt...

Pass me my staff!

I'm not so young as I was.

It won't be quick.

I walked these lands for an age!

Where would you send me?

Invalid location Have you taken leave of your senses?!
Marching Dragon's bane, all that way???
New order As you will it!
Filling in moat

Not with my old bones!

Heh, that's no work for a wizard!

Heh, that's the funniest thing I have heard for a week!

Manning walls Yes, the walls!

Meet your doom!

Yar, my thunder!

By the lights!

For all that is good!

Heavy target

By the dragon!

Begone, foul creatures!

What horrors are these?


Disband Peace, at last!