Stronghold Wiki

Here are the quotes of Sir William.

Action Quote Sound
Prepares for siege Let battle commence!
Taunt 1 You shall soon pay for your transgressions!
Taunt 2 No longer will you run right across the King's lands!
Taunt 3 I must deal with you before you cause any more mischief!
Taunt 4 You have tainted your family name forever!
Gains estate Another estate has joined my cause!
Player's buildings are destroyed A small victory, but a victory nonetheless.
Defeats player Another has fallen beneath my sword!
Loses estate 1 How dare you strip me off my lands?
Loses estate 2 This estates have been of my family for centuries, you varlet! How dare you seize them from me?
Player deflects attack You fight well knight, but this war is not yet over!
Defeated The King will make you pay for this!
Kills common enemy Another castle is ours.
Falls as ally I'm done for. Carry on the fight, knight.