Stronghold Wiki

The slave is a light raider unit in Stronghold Crusader and Stronghold Crusader 2.


Slaves are cheap mercenaries, who run around carrying only torches, capable of setting enemy buildings on fire. They are defenseless but can cause a lot of damage if left unchecked.


The slave's place is not on the battlefield, as their low health and strength means almost instant death from any other troops. They are rather good in raids, attempting to burn and cripple buildings. In numbers, slaves can take on even units in light armor due to the cumulated damage output.

Although slaves see little utility in direct combat, they can assist in sieges by setting off traps and drawing attention, opening a window of opportunity for other troops to close the distance.

The cheapest unit available at the Mercenary Post. Alone, Slaves can't do anything - their nonexistent durability makes them die from a single attack. In high numbers, which is easy to achieve, given their extremely low costs, they can cause some turmoil, if the enemy won't be able to stop their advances. The reason is simple - they are able to set fire to buildings. All you have to do is to force your way through and watch as the enemy buildings burn to the ground.

Slaves are made to make the lives of your enemies miserable - most of the maps in the game won't let them protect their whole bases with a wall (especially Stone Quarries and Iron Mines, very often oases too), meaning that a small group of Slaves can cause some huge resource losses to the enemy. If the enemy is cramping his/her buildings tightly, setting them ablaze can end the whole match - there's nothing more demotivating as watching dozens of buildings burning and being unable to do anything about that.


Slaves are among the frailest units in a player's repertoire, paired with having mediocre combat skills, which severely limits their efficiency. They require a critical mass to operate, and even then, they prove easy prey to ranged units, who can take them off from a distance.



Stronghold Crusader 2 Units


  • Slaves are trademark units of the Slave King, who uses almost exclusively slaves in his armies. He (and most other Arabian lords) uses them alongside slave drivers in his sieges and raids.